Trial nurseries - educational support for 0-36 month-olds with sensory disabilities
Trial nurseries - educational support for 0-36 month-olds with sensory disabilities
Objective of the measure
To trial a model of inclusion for 0 to 36 month-old children that offers early interventions and socialization opportunities for children with sensory disabilities, and adequate support for development and acclimatization in nurseries, public and private micro-nurseries and early-entry pre-school services, as a useful experience for subsequent pre-school and primary school inclusion;
To guarantee, also through specific professional consultancy in sensory disabilities, targeted support for children, their families and educators.
This support is addressed at nurseries, public and private micro-nurseries and early-entry pre-school services where the beneficiaries of the measure are children with sensory disabilities are already attending, enrolled or on the waiting list for the educational year 2022-2023.
Type and characteristics of the measure
Within the framework of the trial intervention, children and the operators of nurseries, public and private micro-nurseries and early-entry pre-school services, according to the Individual Plan shared with each family, will be guaranteed methodological support activities and consultancy by professional qualified consultancy providers chosen by the families from the list of project participants. This support is aimed at:
- Observing the environment and the spontaneous behaviours of the child with sensory disabilities, in order to identify specific strategies for developing and enhancing relations with the outside world through supplementary channels of sight or hearing;
- Adopting an early intervention, with adequate methodologies and useful stimuli, in order to encourage the development of learning, communication skills and socialization, as a useful experience for subsequent pre-school and primary school inclusion.
In particular, for the operational implementation of the trial intervention, the nurseries, public and private micro-nurseries and early-entry pre-school services will take on the following functions:
To aid the family in choosing the professional consultancy provider from the list of those participating in the project, according to the situation of the child with sensory disabilities;
- To provide the family with all the necessary forms for applying for the trial intervention (application, privacy, and provider selection forms);
- To transmit to the “Health Protection Agency” (ATS) the list of children with sensory disabilities attending, enrolled or on the waiting list;
- To collaborate with the professional figures made available by the chosen provider for the purposes of drafting and implementing the Individual Plans;
- To collaborate with the “Health Protection Agency” (ATS) in coordinating activities.
Terms and conditions of participation
The nurseries, public and private micro-nurseries that intend to join the trial must be:
- Regularly in operation as per Decree of the General Director of Education No.1254/2010;
- In possession of an AFAM (Family Registry) code, which can be requested from the Territorial Area Plan Office.
The early-entry pre-school services must meet the requirements of applicable pre-school legislation.
Applications, compiled using the appropriate form, must bear the words “Application for joining the trial of a model of inclusion aimed at children with sensory disabilities attending nurseries, public and private micro-nurseries and early-entry pre-school services”.
Applications will be considered for the entire educational year 2022-2023, giving nursery and pre-school centres the possibility of joining the trial whenever the family of a child with a sensory disability requests the trial intervention.
Applications must be submitted to the “Health Protection Agency” ATS BRESCIA certified email (PEC) to the address
Information and contact
For further information, contact: 0303839080 e 0303839081 e-mail -
Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/08/2022