Objective of the measure

To guarantee help and support for female victims of physical or psychological violence (including their children).

To promote actions and strategies aimed at preventing and combating the phenomenon of violence against women.



Women who are victims of violence (and their children).


Type and characteristics of the assistance

Assistance at Anti-violence Centres or similar support facilities, at no cost to the citizen, and with utmost respect for privacy.


Anti-violence Centres are facilities offering social, legal and psychological services free of charge for the purposes of support, risk assessment, the definition of an Individual Plan, and orientation towards other services. Women of all ages who have suffered violence or who are exposed to the threat of any form of violence are welcomed at the Anti-violence Centre, together with their dependent children, regardless of their place of residence.

Residential facilities (shelters or communities) are dedicated facilities, with secret addresses, that provide safe shelter and protection to women victims of violence and their children, free of charge and regardless of their ordinary place of residence. Acceptance in a residential facility depends on the preliminary preparation of a Reception Project by the relevant Services. Therefore, direct access is not provided.



How to use the assistance

Direct access is possible at the Anti-violence Centres.

In residential facilities, you may be welcomed after a report from the police, a health professional or Social Services.



Who can the woman turn to

The national toll-free number 1522 (active 24 hours a day) has operators specialized in requests for help and support for victims of violence and stalking;

For situations of particular danger or violence, you can contact the police using the toll-free emergency number 112, or 118 for health emergencies.

Support can also be requested from:

Local Social Services;

Public and Private Family Counselling Centres;



Local Anti-violence Centres listed below:


Rete Antiviolenza di Brescia:


Rete Antiviolenza di Palazzolo


Rete Antiviolenza di Desenzano


Rete Antiviolenza Comunità Montana Valle Trompia 

Il Numero Nazionale antiviolenza è il 1522

Regione Lombardia - Nonseisola 


Ultimo aggiornamento: 30/03/2022