Housing Support Interventions forseparated or divorced parents in condition of economic distress
Housing support interventions for separated or divorced parents in conditions of economic distress
Objective of the measure
To provide support for separated or divorced parents with children, in particular with minor, disabled or adult dependent children, through an economic contribution aimed at reducing the costs of annual rent for properties used as their own home and/or for housing emergency.
Parents with a marital status of separated or divorced, with the separation having occurred in the 2 years preceding the date of submission of the application, resident in the Lombardy Region for at least 5 years, with children born or adopted during the marriage, holders of a duly registered lease or a temporary housing emergency contract, with a valid “Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator” (ISEE) of less than or equal to €30,000.
Type and characteristics of the assistance
Economic contribution for the reduction of the cost of annual rent for properties used as a home and/or for emergency housing. The amount of the contribution is equal to 40% of the costs incurred:
- Up to a maximum of €2,500.00 in the case of a controlled/agreed fee;
- Up to a maximum of €3,500.00 for emergency housing or in the case of rent at market prices.
How to use the assistance
The application form must be submitted exclusively online on the “Bandi Online” information platform at www.bandi.servizirl.it
Information and contact
The “Health Protection Agency” ATS of Brescia contact information is: famiglia@ats-brescia.it 030/3839020 - 9076 – 9045
For further information, see the Lombardy Region webpage
Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/03/2023