Assistance in purchasing technological aids for people with disabilities or

Objective of the measure

Assistance for the reimbursement of a part of the expenses incurred for the purchase of technologically advanced aids or tools aimed at enhancing the individual’s skills and quality of daily life.

The assistance is recognized to the extent of 70% of the admissible expenditure (i.e. minimum €300.00, maximum €16,000.00), with different assistance ceilings for each of the 4 areas of intervention: home automation, mobility, information technology, and other miscellaneous aids.



People with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) with the following requirements:

  • People residing in Lombardy;
  • Disabled minors or adults;
  • Minors or young adults with a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), as per Regional Law 4/2010;
  • A current “Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator” (ISEE) of less than or equal to € 30,000.00;


Type and characteristics of the assistance

An economic contribution to support disabled people and minors or young adults with specific learning disabilities, together with their families, in the purchase, rental or leasing of technologically advanced aids or tools to facilitate daily life.

How to use the assistance 

Applications may be made exclusively online on the “Bandi Online” platform at, until the allocated economic resources have been exhausted.

The application must include the quote, invoice or tax receipt of the expenditure incurred, or, in the case of particularly expensive aids or tools purchased via instalments, a copy of the loan agreement issued by the supplier or financial institution, uploaded electronically to the information system.

It must also include a declaration by the prescribing or other specialist doctor certifying the utility of the prescribed aid in enhancing the abilities of the disabled minor or adult, or minor or young adult with SLD.

Information & Contact

For support on using the online service of the “Bandi Online” platform, you can write to or contact the toll-free number (+39) 800 131 151.

Further information on the announcement may be requested via email at the address: For information, you can also contact the following “Health Protection Agency” ATS BRESCIA  tel 0303839045 – 0303839061


Ultimo aggiornamento: 28/03/2024